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Merkaba Vehicle
One of the most sacred ancient symbols in human history, the Merkaba is honored and deeply rooted in many traditions of varying backgrounds, cultures and religions. The hexagon shape is made up of 2 triangles and symbolizes the union of opposites that bring about the very creation of life itself: It is the fusing of male and female, of heaven and earth, and of light and darkness.
The Merkaba is a multidimensional vehicle used to strengthen our connection with Source and in some circles it is referred to as the “Merkaba Vehicle”; a divine light vehicle used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms, It’s a path to move between realms of existence to and from this earthly realm.
The word Merkaba originated from an ancient Egyptian translation meaning "light, body, spirit". Essentially the Merkaba is a sacred symbol which serves as a vehicle to connect with light, body, and spirit… Within yourself, around you and in the celestial realms...
The Merkaba is a three-dimensional symbol which is made up of two triangles that face opposite directions and connect or overlap at the center. In a 3D space, the bottom triangle represents femininity and rotates in a counter-clockwise direction, and the top relates to masculinity and rotates in a clockwise direction, all simultaneously. The design looks like a six-pointed star when looked at from a two-dimensional perspective. The spinning triangles bring balance and its energetic force generates a field of energy that is very powerful. It can help you gain valuable spiritual insights and even travel interdimensionally.
While spinning in different directions, the two 3-D triangles are simultaneously pulling power up from the earth (feminine) and drawing energy down from the heavens (masculine). This combination of forces creates an energy field that promotes balance. Think about the power of the stars that we see off in the distance. This is a star that we can access to tap into the magic of stars out there...
The Merkaba encourages us to have a more multi-layered approach to who we are and our divine nature and how we positively interact with Mother Nature and the world around us to serve at our highest and best. During meditation you can connect with this sacred symbol to access higher realms of consciousness and to create a protective energetic field around yourself. You can simply visualize the shape surrounding you while in meditation, and in your day to day interactions. Just connect with it and it can help to raise your vibration.
As you continue to build your relationship with this symbol, and combine it with other practices like meditation and breathing exercises, it can also help you to access your personal divine power at a deeper level.
A Quick Correlation on the sacred numerology of 3. In the 3rd dimension, coherence is most important. It is where you can align the 3 aspects of yourself. You will then find your own truth and perception of reality.
The ancient and sacred Merkaba symbol promotes vibrations to bring polarities into balance within you and around you.
Your Throat Chakra relates to your throat, as well as your tongue, lips, cheeks, jaw, ears, the back and lower part of the neck, and even the shoulders. It is responsible for bringing alignment to the area from your shoulder girdle, up your neck to the chin, and along the cervical spine to the base of the skull.
It’s been referred to as the “tollbooth between the emotions and the mind,” bridging the path of communication between your lower Chakras and higher Chakras.
An inclination to“Bite your tongue,” or hold back from expressing yourself are common behaviors recognized with an under-stimulated Throat Chakra. However, imbalance can be brought on by over stimulation, which can be identified by a compulsion to talk too much or ramble. Over-stimulation may result in a tendency to “put your foot in your mouth,” inappropriate language use, misstating facts, a tendency to interrupt, talk over others, dominate conversations, or needing to have the last word.
Symptoms of a blocked Throat Chakra can present as: Lack of self-expression and creativity; very shy; prone to self-Isolate; anxiety in a variety of situations; panic attacks In social situations; lacking self-confidence and self-esteem; your throat ‘knots’ when you try to speak; you feel guilty for expressing your needs, beliefs, and desires.
Frequent health problems can be associated, including: Thyroid problems, Hoarseness, Sore throat, Sores in the mouth or tongue, Gum disease, Ear infections, Sinus infections, Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues, Tight shoulders...
A balanced Throat Chakra helps you communicate with clarity, wisdom and discernment, internally and externally. With a balanced throat chakra, you will find yourself free of related imbalances and able to speak fearlessly with compassion, and will be open to listening to others.
How to open your throat chakra? There are many practices that can help you balance, and activate your throat chakra. Foot Zone Therapy; Reiki; EFT; Incorporate the color blue into your life; Provide warmth with a scarf or covering; Warm herbal drinks and/or soups; Yoga; Meditation; Vibrate sound through it (singing, humming); Listen to binaural beats...
A balanced Throat Chakra helps you communicate with clarity, wisdom and discernment, internally and externally.
There is a deep secret hidden in every yoga Mudra. In ancient times, sages performed mudras to keep the five elements inside the body balanced with air, water, fire, earth, and ether. When these five elements are out of alignment, a person can become imbalanced and vulnerable to disease. Our fingers have the characteristics of these elements and each element has a specific and vital function within our body. Mudras help to adjust the flow of energy, positively affecting the inner balance of the elements.
A Sanskrit term, Prithvi means “the vast one,” known as Earth. Mudra means “gesture,” “mark” or “seal.” The Prithvi or Earth element is a vital component of bones, cartilage, skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, internal organs, and more. Prithvi Mudra builds and invigorates these components. The Earth element is also associated with the nose and can be used to overcome nasal disorders. As it reduces fire, Prithvi Mudra is also known to balance disorders associated with an imbalance of heat in the body, like emaciation, fever, and inflammation.
We come from the Earth and are made up of it. By practicing Prithvi mudra the excess amount of fire that exists in our solar plexus is balanced by the Earth element. Prithvi mudra plays a vital role in achieving and maintaining optimal health and vitality. It enhances the energy of Earth within us, which serves to restore health to all our other inner energies. Prithvi mudra is mentioned in Gheranda Samhita, Shiva Samhita and various ancient scriptures. This mudra is also beneficial for healing and promoting spiritual balance within the body.
Chakra Cleansing With Prithvi Mudra
Each of the chakras is related to each of the elements within our body. The Earth element inside our body purifies the Root and Sacral chakra. While we sit in a meditative posture in Prithvi mudra, it connects the Root and Earth, which releases negative, or low vibrational energies. Prithvi mudra harmonizes energy, opening new pathways which promote a willingness for our minds to expand.
In Sanskrit, there is a specific term called Panchabhoota which essentially means the five elements within us are significantly detoxified by Prithvi mudra. All 5 elements exist within our body, in different percentages. When balanced, they synergistically work together to support our body’s optimal wellness.
The Best time for Prithvi Mudra?
Mornings between 4-6 AM, on an empty stomach, are the best time for practicing Prithvi mudra. During these times the environment is more clean and still, as is the mind. Both of these factors are essential for our optimal physical and mental stability. For best results, make sure you practice regularly for two months. Perform this pose between 30-45 minutes, or for 10 to 15 minutes three times a day.
How To Practice Prithvi
Mudra of the earth is associated with the nose. Performing it together with deep breathing and meditation will greatly increase its healing potential. It is a yogic hand gesture that is performed by the ring finger. The ring finger is the symbol of the Earth element which takes care of the skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, internal organs, and elements in the body. The thumb is the symbol of the fire element. When these two elements combine, the element of Earth increases in a human’s body. It can be done anytime and anywhere. Prithvi mudra can be practiced with just a few simple steps.
Benefits Of Prithi Mudra
It’s simple, amazingly effective, and can work perfectly for nearly anyone. It reduces body temperature and harmonizes weakness in the body. It strengthens tissues, organs and entire systems of the body. It also helps heal degenerative diseases like T.B. and mudra enhances your body’s power to heal the following conditions:
And More…
Contraindications and Cautions
The practice of this Mudra has no major side effects. However:
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